The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in the Rosemont Chapel on Saturdays after the 9:00 AM Mass and after the 12:05pm First Friday Mass. Also every Friday after the 12:05 in Advent and Lent.
There are also Parish Communal Celebrations of Reconciliation scheduled during Advent and Lent. Appointments can be made for individual reconciliation by calling the Parish Center - 610-525-4801. Our baptized parish children are eligible to celebrate this sacrament for the first time if they are in the second grade or higher of Catholic education, are properly disposed and have been adequately prepared. Our parish also upholds the Archdiocesan policy that requires the young candidate to have religious education for a least two years prior to the celebration of this sacrament for the first time. For this reason, children should begin formal religious education in First Grade. Parents should contact the Director of Catechetical Formation if the child attends first grade in a private school. Parents of children who do not attend our parish Religious Education Program are asked to complete a For Sacrament Registration Form contact Tara Penza [email protected] |